
Placing India at centre of global striving for development, peace, PM Modi says it will work for all humanity

United Nations, Sep 23 : Placing India at the centre of the global striving for development and peace, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday declared, on behalf of the “one-sixth” of humanity, that they will work for “all humanity and for global prosperity”.

Speaking at the UN’s Summit of the Future which aims to chart the path forward for the UN and world seeking relevance, PM Modi promised: “India will continue to work in thought, words and deeds to protect the rights of all humanity and for global prosperity.”

As he took the green-marbled rostrum with gold UN insignia, the Prime Minister, dressed in a simple white kurta outfit with a dark Modi waistcoat, spoke for just under five minutes in the vaulted General Assembly Hall that gives a place for all 193 UN members as the assembled leaders gave him an applause.

“When we are discussing the global future, we must accord the highest priority to a human-centric approach while prioritising sustainable development,” he said.

“We must also ensure human welfare, food and health security.”

The Prime Minister focused on cooperation in two areas where India has demonstrated its capability: Eradicating poverty and bridging the digital divide.

“By lifting 250 million people out of poverty in India, we have demonstrated that sustainable development can be successful,” he said.

“We are ready to share this experience of our success with the entire Global South friends,” he said.

Distinguishing this achievement is that it was twinned with democracy and he emphasised it by saying at the start of his speech: “In the largest election in human history held recently in June, the people of India have given me the opportunity to serve them for the third consecutive term. And today, I bring the voice of this one-sixth of humanity.”

The digital divide within countries and between countries is a matter of global concern voiced at the UN, especially during the Summit of the Future and its declaration, The Pact of the Future.

PM Modi said: “Digital public infrastructure should be a bridge, not a barrier for global good.”

“India is ready to share its digital public infrastructure with the entire world,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi had, at the diaspora rally on Sunday, spoken of India’s record of bridging the digital divide by providing all Indians digital wallets and payment systems for financial transactions and for recordkeeping, as well as the wide provision of 5G networks.

Turning to the inequalities embedded in the structure of global organisations, the Indian PM said: “Success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not in the battlefield and for global peace and development, reforms in global institutions are essential.”

“Reform is the key to relevance,” he said.

PM Modi cited India’s role in getting Africa a permanent seat in the G20 while it held the chair of the group of major and emerging economies which had shut out Africa.

It “was an important step in this direction”, he said.

On terrorism, a matter of particular concern to India, terrorism, the PM made a criticism of double standards: “I will stress that global action must match global ambition.”

He warned of terrorism spreading its tentacles into new areas. “On the one hand, terrorism continues to be a serious threat to global peace and security,” he said. “On the other hand, areas such as cyber, maritime and space are emerging as new theatres of conflict.”

Global concern is growing over dangers from new and evolving technologies, especially artificial intelligence. Addressing this, PM Modi said: “There is a need for balanced regulation at a global level, for the safe and responsible use of technology.”

But he added: “We need global digital governance, which ensures that national sovereignty and integrity are upheld.”

(Arul Louis can be contacted at arul.l@ians.in and followed at @arulouis)

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